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Notes of a Dream – The Authorized Biography of A.R. Rahman by Krishna Trilok

A New Perspective on Love, Loss, Happiness and Pain!
Filling the ‘Void’ with Spiritual Intelligence
Rizq & Lawful Earnings

‘Despite the fact the he was the breadwinner of the family, Rahman never once said he was the boss or said ‘Look at all that I am doing for you all,’ even once, says his sister Raihanah. ‘ I never heard him utter those words on even a single occasion. And thats why I respect him because he never expects it. He did what he did for us naturally like breathing air. He never said, ‘ I did this for you.’ One of Rahman’s greatest strengths is his almost absolute inability to hold on to negativity, his willingness to see the good in everything- past, present and future. He is not the sort of man who spends much time thinking of the past and when he has to talk about the past, he only focuses on the positive things. Even when he recounts the worst of times he went through, he talks about them positively. That makes sense of course for someone who believes so strongly in positive vibes being the cornerstone of a good life.’
(Extracted from Notes of a Dream-The Authorized Bipgraphy of A.R.Rahman by Krishna Trilok)