Category: Business and Finance

Earning in an Economic Crisis: Where are the Opportunities?
By Musa R. Kaiser
What does one do when almost everyone is affected, is in a crisis and is in need of help and support?
We all know someone who has [...]

Athens Mosque Likely to Open by September
Greece's education and religion minister says the country's first state-sponsored mosque is likely to begin operating in September 2019, about three y [...]

Banking: A Dilemma for Indian Muslims
There is no theoretical macro-economic model with any Muslim country to help realize the vision of an interest-free economy.
Muslims in general avoid [...]

A Study of Socio-Economic Conditions of Muslims in Maharashtra
The Maharashtra Minorities Commission sponsored a study of the socio-economic condition of the Muslims in the State in 2012. The Department of Economi [...]

mPower Sets it Sight High
The tiny startup crosses a One $million Milestone
By A Staff Writer
Vision of empowering the underprivileged classes was never ignored in the asce [...]

Entrepreneurship – A Journey Worth Undertaking
Entrepreneurship is a journey, if travelled with perseverance, can build nations and communities
By Abdullah Akbar Ali
How many time is it that we [...]

Court Annuls Government Lease
Motipur Sugar Factory
The Single bench of the Patna High Court cancelled the lease agreement of the Bihar Government with M/s Indian Potash Limited [...]