Category: Editorial
Deal Cautiously with Rohingya Issue
The plight of Rohingyas has received international attention, with the junta in Myanmar going on a 'kill, rape, burn and loot' campaign in the Rakhine [...]
New Equations in Karnataka
Karnataka will be facing Assembly elections in March-April next year. The BJP, currently on the back foot, will be using all the stratagems in its bag [...]
No Cause for Cheer
Pathetically low representation of Muslims in higher education is robbing the community of share in the nation's economic growth.
There are two ta [...]
Sectarian Agenda to the Fore
Today, India is facing major challenges. All kinds of vigilantes are out into the open and unleashing their fury over anything that offends them. Akhl [...]
Bankrupt Saudi Diplomacy
The American President Donald Trump's charge that Iran supports terrorism does not square up with the reality. It was utterly laughable that Trump was [...]
Welcome Move, But”¦
The raising of reservation quota for Muslims"from existing 4% to 12%" and for the scheduled tribes from 6% to 10% should be welcomed by all sections [...]
Introspection is the Need of the Hour
The outcome of the Assembly elections in Uttar Pradesh is a clear setback for all those who were expecting a repeat mandate for the secular parties in [...]

Murder in the Name of Religion
The heinous slaughter of dozens of people at the renowned shrine of the Sufi Lal Shahbaz Qalandar in Sehwan, Sindh (in Pakistan) by a suicide-bombe [...]
No Less Than a Tragedy
English fortnightly Milli Gazette, a magazine started around the turn of the century has folded up. It is a departure that should sadden the hearts o [...]
Muslim Media: Birth and Death
I remember when Moulana Abdul Kareem Parikh Sab (late) in his inaugural speech of Islamic Voice, English monthly in January 1987 (30 years ago) shared [...]