Category: Editorial

1 5 6 7 8 9 11 70 / 107 POSTS

Patently Biased

The BJP-SS Government in Maharashtra has begun its tenure in the State on a negative note. The recently elected Maharashtra Assembly with the new gove [...]

Compassion Towards Teenage Traumas

The death of a 15 year-old student in Bengaluru recently, raises some questions about not just the current system of education, but also the parents' [...]

Pak’s Drift to Despair

The massacre of the school children at the hands of the Taliban terrorists in Peshawar represents Pakistan's descent into unimaginable depth of disord [...]

Saner Options Must be Explored

What is certain from the poll outcome in Jharkhand and Jammu and Kashmir is that while the BJP's march has been slowed down, the Congress Party has su [...]

A Resolution of Positive Thinking

Success stories of many people, past and present, reveal that their journey of life has been marked by positive thinking. There is no way to get out o [...]

From Idiocy to Lunacy

The demand for putting Taj Mahal under the custody of Uttar Pradesh Wakf Board is not only unwarranted, but utterly ridiculous. Rabble-rousing Wakf Mi [...]

Pointers from Elections

The emergence of the Bhartiya Janata Party as the single largest party in election for Maharashtra Assembly and the runaway victory in Haryana Assembl [...]

Making Encounters Transparent

The rule of law has received a massive boost in the wake of the Supreme Court's 16-point guidelines for investigation into encounter killings. While i [...]

The True Spirit of Sacrifice

Muslims all over the world will be performing the Hajj and then celebrating Bakrid. While the rituals are performed, its time that Muslims introspect [...]

Tackling the ISIS Threat

The ISIS fundamentalists who have captured wide swath of land in upper regions of Syria and Iraq and have declared themselves Islamic Caliphate of Ira [...]
1 5 6 7 8 9 11 70 / 107 POSTS