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UK Muslims Walk for Syria this Ramadan

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As the humanitarian crisis in Syria continues to escalate, a leading British Muslim humanitarian group has announced a “walk, fast and pray for Syria” event in July 2014, to raise funds for millions of Syrians who lost their homes and livelihood over the past three years of unrest.
“Muslim Hands is working tirelessly to help those affected and has launched Walk for Syria to raise urgently needed funds,” Muslim Hands said in a statement published on its website. The Walk for Syria, planned for July 19, is for 5km around a public park during the fasting hours of the day. Braving thirst and hunger, participants will be registered for the event in Birmingham, Leicester, Manchester and London. Established in 1993 in Britain, Muslim Hands is an international NGO offering help to people affected by poverty, natural disaster and conflict around the world. It has offices in more than 40 countries worldwide and has partnership with world relief organizations including the UN Food Program and UN children’s fund (UNICEF).
Millions of ordinary Syrians have lost their homes and livelihoods through the civil unrest taking place in the country. The UK based network, said that the toll included 44,381 civilians, 6,627 children and 4,454 women.