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Words Related to Law-making (قانون سازی سے متعلق الفاظ)


Parliament: A representative body having supreme legislative powers within a state or multinational organization.
Its major function is to make laws. The word originated in the United Kingdom but is now used all across the world. (پارلیمنٹ)
Legislature: An officially elected or otherwise selected body of people vested with the responsibility and power to make laws for a political unit, such as a state or nation.
(مجلسِ قانون ساز)
Treasury Benches: The section of the benches in a Parliament or Assembly that are traditionally occupied by the members of the party who form Government. (پارلیمنٹ میں حکمران جماعت کی نشستیں)
Opposition: Party or parties that are in opposition to the ruling party / parties. (حزبِ اختلاف)
Bill: A bill is a proposed law under consideration by a legislature. (مجوزہ قانون جو کسی قانون ساز مجلس کے زیر بحث ہو)
Act: When a Bill gets passed by a legislature, it is called an Act.
(جو بِل مجلسِ قانون ساز سے منظور ہو جائے وہ ایکٹ کہلاتا ہے)
Privilege Motion: Parliamentary privileges are certain rights and immunities enjoyed by MPs, MLAs and MLCs, individually and collectively, so that they can effectively discharge their functions. When any of these rights and immunities is violated, a privilege motion can be moved in the Parliament against the offender. It is considered a challenge to the authority and dignity of the member of the house. (تحریک مراعات)
No-Confidence Motion:
When a statement is moved in a Parliament that says that a group of members do no have confidence in the Government or Council of Minister, it called No Confidence Motion. If the same is passed by the Parliament, it results in resignation of the Government and called Vote of No Confidence. (تحریکِ عدم اعتماد)
Standing Committee: A permanent committee, as of a legislature, intended to consider all matters pertaining to a designated subject such as Defence, Banking, Security, Agriculture etc (مجلسِ قائمہ یا اسٹینڈنگ کمیٹی)
Lok Sabha: The Lower House of Indian Parliament which has 542 members who are directly elected by the people. (ہندوستانی پارلیمنٹ کا ایوانِ زیریں جس کے 542 ممبران کا انتخاب براہِ راست عوام کرتے ہیں)
Rajya Sabha: The Upper House of Indian Parliament which has 250 members. (ایوانِ بالا جس کے 250 ممبران ہوتے ہیں،جن کا انتخاب ریاستی اسمبلیاں کرتی ہیں)
Session: The period during which the Legislatures transact business of law-making. (اجلاس)
Vote on Account: The bill for day-to-day expenditure needed by a Government which is facing elections. It is needed till the regular budget is presented (جب انتخاب سامنے ہوں تو حکومت کے روزانہ کے اخراجات کے لئے منظور شدہ بل)
Speaker: Presiding officer of a legislature. (اسپیکر).
Whip: An official in the legislature parties who enforces discipline among the members ensuring that they vote as per party’s directive. (وہپ)
Prorogue: To discontinue session of a legislature without dissolving it. (اجلاس کا اِلتواء)
Dissolution: To end the tenure of the Parliament. (تحلیل کرنا)
Adjournment: An adjournment is a break in the course of parliamentary business. (التواء)