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Mosque Opens Doors to Homeless

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With winter cold setting in, more than 100 homeless people in Sacramento, USA, spent the night off the streets with a hot meal after a local mosque opened its doors for those in need on December 19, reports Fox News. One guest excited about the shelter is Karen Shorter, who’s trying to get back on her feet. “I’m working on housing, saving up money trying to get my own place,” but until then, she said she’s been sleeping in a tent.
The SALAM Islamic Center teamed up with Sacramento’s Winter Sanctuary and invited 150 homeless guests to eat a delicious dinner, shop for clothes, blankets, and other necessities and have a night away from the cold.
“It is part of our Islamic faith. We have to be charitable, we have to feed the needy, we have to make them feel at home,” said Metwalli Amer, the Executive Director of SALAM Islamic Center. n
(source: www.worldbulletin.net/)