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On Children’s Day, Here’s What a 12-Year-Old has to Say to the Nation

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In earlier times, parents used to teach children manners, etiquettes, but now a days, children are teaching them how to use smart phones.

By Shifa Faiz Bangi

Every Indian knows that November 14 is the birth anniversary of our first prime minister and it is celebrated as Children’s day at every educational institution. All our relatives greet us and give us gifts too. In today’s modern world of science and technology there are many new inventions and discoveries. Mankind has developed and progressed a lot. One of the most popular and necessary and damaging invention of mankind is smartphone.
Now a days, smartphone has become very important element of our life. Even young children started using smartphones which has a very bad effect on their lives. Due to use of this, children are losing their interest in studies and outdoor games and getting addicted to it rapidly.
Because of smartphone, even parents are neglecting their children. After coming home, most of the parents are found very busy, chatting on WhatsApp, Facebook etc. Whenever they face difficulties in using advanced functions, they take help of their children.
Due to this habit, I believe that the lack of communication is increasing and inviting various psychological and emotional problems.
Parents keep telling their children to study, but they themselves are on mobiles and don’t have time for their children. In earlier times, parents used to teach children manners, etiquettes, but now a days, children are teaching them how to use smart phones.
Children are slowly distracted from studies and going off-track and spoiling their future and career. Now it has become duty of every parent to bring their children back on track. Parents only can save the child’s career from getting spoilt. It is the parent on whom the child trusts the most. Parents should take care of the child so that after a few years, they can proudly say, “Yes, this is my son or daughter”.
(The writer is a 12-year-old student in Class 7 at a school in Solapur
(Two circles.net)