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The Kind Leader

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Three friends were getting ready to go on a journey. They loved Allah and helped each other to follow the straight path

The best gift in life is to have a companion who reminds you of Allah. When you forget the right thing, he reminds you. When you need help, he will help you.

They decided to choose one of them as the leader. Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said that when three of you go on a journey, choose one of you as a leader.
The leader is one among you who is best in character and manners, most kind to his companions, and cares about the companions’ needs more than his own needs.

The two friends said to Abdullah,”You are our leader.”

Abdullah was a kind, responsible leader, and he carried his luggage and helped to carry the baggage of his friends.

One night it rained heavily. Abdullah held a blanket over his friends all night, protecting them from the rain. Whenever his friends asked him to rest, he smiled and replied, “I am the leader, so do not order me.” As a leader, he made things comfortable and easy for others and did not burden them.

This is the duty of a leader to take care of his companions in the best way possible. Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) taught us “The best leaders among you are those whom you love and who love you in return. They pray for you and you pray for them.”(Hadith reported by Muslim). Let’s try to be strong and kind leaders.