HomeFamily and Kids

What Profession I should Choose?

What is a Pension?
Kindness-An unappreciated blessing
Do You Know?

Every child must ask this question with himself. One should do what he loves to do, and not what brings him more money or what his or her parents want him to do. One would reach great heights only when he does what he feels best at doing.
Normally, an Indian child is told to become a doctor, an engineer or a manager. People often tend to measure success in terms of money they are able to earn. But money is not all that one needs for his satisfaction. So, every child should ask himself: Can I earn a living through this? What can I do really well? One may be interested in drawing things, painting, playing music, gathering and collating information, calculation, devising new products and preparing new designs. Such children should take up relevant courses in art and craft, painting, music, journalism, mathematics, and engineering and designing. If one is not able to determine his choice accurately, he should consult educational counselor.