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Muslim Clerics in East Africa Pledge to Fight Extremism

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Kwale (Kenya): About 300 Muslim scholars and imams from eastern African countries said they would join their respective governments in combating terrorism. The Sufi scholars, from Kenya, Tanzania, Somalia, Ethiopia, Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo, vowed to fight extremist teachings and terrorist activities after meeting for two days at a conference in Kenya’s coastal county of Kwale. U.S.-based Somali scholar Mohamud Elmi said there has to be a counter narrative to fight extremist views in schools. “There are issues that help people to be misled. For example, if they do not get a job, social justice, they have to get proper education, the syllabus must be corrected and removed from doctrines that believes in extremism,” Elmi said. “We have to put in place a religious syllabus that supports the people of different faiths and values,” he added. Elmi called on Muslims in the region to work with their governments to squash terrorism, which has claimed the lives of thousands in Somalia and neighbouring countries.