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UN Human Rights Committee Orders Saudi Arabia to Stop Stoning Children

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The United Nations has called on Saudi Arabia to repeal laws that allow stoning, amputation, flogging and execution of children. Children over 15 years are tried as adults and can be executed, “after trials falling short of guarantees of due process and a fair trial”, according to the report by the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child. The Committee’s 18 independent experts analysed the Kingdom’s compliance record with a UN treaty protecting the rights of citizens under the age of 18. Experts voiced concern that the Saudi government “still does not recognise girls as full subjects of rights and continues to severely discriminate (against) them in law and practice and to impose on them a system of male guardianship”. The Committee said violations of young girls’ right to equality should not justified using traditional, religious or cultural attitudes. According to the UN Committee, out of 47 people executed on 2 January for security offences, four were under 18.
Source: (independent.co.uk)