HomeLife and Relationship

An Awesome Workshop for Today’s Generation

Connecting to the Inner Self and to Allah
Sarah Fathima
Magical Mid-Summer Solace in Delhi!

The Discover Yourself Workshop was held on December 14, 15 and 16, 2012 at Mesco Education Society’s Crescent English High School.
Organised by Jamaat-e-Islami Hind, Mumbra, Maharastra.
Over 300 Jamaat members and their families from all the Districts of Maharasrta participated in this Workshop. Some of the participants share their experiences after the Workshop.

* The workshop is awesome, valuable and full of learning.
* A miracle that changed my entire life forever.
* A golden opportunity, excellent and commendable.
* It helped me to become a good human being.
* It took me out of my own world and brought me into Allah’s world.
* I am feeling free from the tensions and burdens which I was carrying from the past few years.
* A golden opportunity, such workshops should be organised in each district.
* The workshop proved significant for social, spiritual and institutional management and progress.
* It helped me to change myself, my ego, my anger, my decision to accept reality.
* I came to know how to fight the negativity inside me.
* The workshop is a good way to change people’s mindset.
* It helped me to remove all my negative thoughts.
* It changed my entire life, as I was fully disturbed.
* It changed my point of view and cleansed my thinking.
* It is a golden opportunity and no one should miss this workshop.
* Each one can find something precious for him.
* I am flying in the air; I was not able to lift my weight.
* Excellent work with Islamic touch.
* Marvellous work, most needed by humanity.

AMIR:  I used to be a perfectionist and used to ensure I made my point of view implemented as I considered that my point of view was logical, scientific and religious, but now I will see from the perspective of reality in everything.  It is too short to see the responses from my family, but Alhamdulillah, I feel tremendous change in our relations. I can see peace and tranquility and lots of love in the family. Now I am willing to give up my perfectionist attitude.

AFROZA:  Before the workshop, everything in my life was happening by itself, without my  participation and interest unconsciously, but now after attending this workshop, I am doing each and every activity of my life using the tools I learnt from the workshop consciously.  I removed from my heart all the burdens of jealousy, nervousness about my friends and relatives. Now, I am restarting from zero to achieve 100%. I am giving up my ego, procrastination and my attitude of taking life easily without caring to perform and live my each second of life happily.

MASOOD:  I was hanging 100% in the past and was making decisions of my future on that basis.  Anger, hate and jealousy were my daily tonic. Many times I cut my hand because of hatred towards my family. But now inshallah, the new dawn will arise in my life with lots of happiness and peace.

GULSHAN: When I went home on the second day of the workshop, my ten year old daughter brought her bag for home work. I also sat near her and embraced her with love.  She was looking again and again, in wonder she said , it is you or another mum. Now I will not be angry with my children if they are not studying well, I will tell them calmly. I am feeling relaxed and have peace of mind. I will begin a new life with family, friends’ neighbours and all.

MUNAWAR:  I was an egoistic person and became very angry due to trivial matters. But after this workshop, I have become a calm person and learned how to control my ego and anger. I learned how to forgive people and now I can make correct decisions. It is an awesome workshop for today’s generation and should be conducted regularly in our community.

MIRZA: I was emotionally disturbed. I came here just be away from my house. But when I attended the workshop, it totally changed my life. I am very happy and now I am enjoying my life. I got the power and I can do anything and everything is possible. May Allah give you success in your endeavour.

LUBNA:  This workshop was beneficial to me and helped me to understand that carrying tensions, pressure or load of criticism in our head gives nothing, but avoiding it gives a lot of peace, relaxation, consciousness and responsiveness. My husband felt that I am now patient and think before I accept criticism. Jazakallah Br. Sadathullah.

AHMED: It is a life changing experience. I was also considering my father as an old man having very old thoughts, but now I am looking at him as handsome, intelligent and a very advanced man.

ZUBAIR:  I read so many books on personality development written by western scholars, but this is the first time, I attended a seminar on personality development with an Islamic touch.  I request you to please continue and write a book on this topic.

IMRAN: My life was full of stress and agitation. My burden has reduced. I gained knowledge and tips on controlling my ego and improving my family relations with spouse, parents and upbringing my children.

IKRAM: I have attended this programme with my son. Thanks to Allah who gave us an opportunity to attend this workshop with my son. It is an excellent workshop. There is a feeling of excitement and contentment. It is very useful for everyone. My son also appreciated this workshop very much. I wish he will be a good human being. This type of workshop is needed today because  everyone is egoistic.

TOUFIQ:  My life was heading on the path of ego, satan and negativity. Now I have determined to walk on the path of the Divine (Allah), positivity and demolish my ego. I found the workshop very beneficial, useful and the presentation was very effective.