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Some Top International Trainers and Coaches Share Their Views About the Discover Yourself Workshop

The Discover Yourself Workshop was held In Abbas Khan P.U. College, Bengaluru on the 5,6 and 8th January, in Mysore on the 12,13 and 14th January and in Mumbai on the 18th and 19th January 2018 at the Rizvi College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Mumbai.
Some of the participants share their experiences about the Workshop.

DYS Workshop in Abbas khan College, Bangalore

DYS Workshop in Abbas khan College, Bangalore

DYS Workshop in Mumbai

DYS Workshop in Mysore

  • The workshop provides valuable keys and guides to clear the mind, and heart from unwanted waste and to be a good human being.
  • Since I have studies some psychology, I knew a bit about myself. But the workshop gave me a platform to rediscover again ‘ME’ from an Islamic perspective.
  • Thanks a lot for bringing my life from darkness to light. May Allah almighty show the path of righteousness.
  • It really changed my life. I was hating some friends, I forgave them and hugged them and cried a lot. Now, I feel responsible and obey my parents and sisters.
  • A new perspective to see life, to be non-judgmental and more of positivity towards life.
  • My life before the workshop was entirely different. This workshop has changed my point of view. It has helped me to discover myself and submit to the Reality. This workshop is life changing.
  • My whole thought process changed. Things that seemed extremely difficult to handle now seem to be easy. An eye opener for every Muslim.
  • I got a clear path to connect to Almighty Allah.
  • Actually, I do not have words to explain, how this workshop has changed me, so I keep attending it whenever it is in Mumbai. It helped me in really discovering myself.
  • I was in the box and now I feel free from the trap of Satan.

NADIRA: I was short tempered, complaining, worrying about the past or the future. This is my fifth time, I am attending the workshop. Yes, the workshop has helped me to say ‘IT’s OK’ or ‘Let it Be’., because of which I do not get angry very soon. I have learnt to be in the present, stop blaming others, learnt to keep my word and have learnt to be a good listener. I learnt to forgive others who have wronged me. The benefits I got in my participation is happiness and peace within me. My family members are wondering how I have changed so much. After attending this workshop. I feel good.

KAVIYA: Before the workshop, I lacked confidence in life and was not able to control my mind. But after this valuable workshop, I got my confidence back, I got to know all my abilities and also came to know who am I? Even my family members were surprised by seeing the changes in me. I felt after attending this workshop, “what lies behind us, and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us”.

MARY: This workshop is very interesting. My life is completely changed. It changed my behavior, my speaking skills and everything in my life. I used to get angry when my mom used to scold me, but now I am avoiding my anger. I will never forget what I learned in this workshop.

DR JABEEN: I was learning Quran, for the last ten years and this workshop helped me to open my mind and showed me how to live Islam as a way of life. This is the second time I am attending the workshop. First time itself, I had found a marvelous change in me and was working every day on the shortcomings, the struggle was on. This workshop helped getting a deeper insight into the things happening in and around like a jigsaw puzzle and the pieces falling into its place. The process was all within, but changed everything. Alhamdulillah!!

SHABRIN: Before, I was not able to describe who I am? And today I can say I am responsible and accountable. I was living in the past and was wasting my present, now, I know how to utilize the present and make my future. I changed my bad habits and now I can treat every human being as a human being not like an object.

NAJMA: Before the workshop, my life was difficult to live and sadness was there in my life. I had forgotten all my responsibilities towards others. After the workshop, my life is changing and I am now responsible and forgiving to everyone in my life. Now my life has become a true life to live with happiness and joy, helping others and loving each other, because we all are human beings.

QURATH: Before the workshop, I was unable to judge myself, that where I am going wrong? But feeling good on the third day that” what I could not recognize for 17 years, I recognized in just two days.” My mother is my only family, she was really happy that I apologized for my mistakes for the first time in really a good manner. It was very useful for me. Thank you so much sir. Now I am happy with what I am! And what I have!

NAUREEN: It helped me to know what actually Islam is? I was unaware of the internal beauty of Islam. Now, after attending this workshop, I literally feel haapy to be a Muslim. As a Muslim I was only aware of the external five pillars and after getting to know so many things I will implement them in my daily life to have inner peace. Thank you for conducting the workshop and bringing awareness about different concepts of Islam.

SARFARAZ: My life before the workshop was full of worries and tension. After attending the workshop, I felt free from worries because of the many tools learned in the workshop. I stopped judging others.

SHAREEF: It is rejuvenating. Felt the change in my life right away after attending for the first time, which was recharged after the second time. It helps to keep attending this workshop periodically.

KAMRAN: This is the second workshop. I am grateful to Allah that I had an opportunity to attend the first session initially. Having attended it, I realized that the past was pinning me down. From the perspective, Dr Sadath Sir he taught us, I was able to let go of a lot of things and focus on things that matter. It is very much needed, should have more workshops often including at the Masjid level.