HomeLife and Relationship

Learning to Make a Choice! In Perth, Australia!

Humanity is above all Religions
American Diary – A Workshop to Discover Your Purpose of Life!
Kindling Hope in Kashmir

Some of the Participants share their experiences:
“¢ I enjoyed the experience and the coach interacted with the audience well. The content brought me back to reality.
“¢ Very insightful, content that allows you to reflect on yourself and improve, by being conscious of your opinions, judgments, and interpretations. It encourages to use your heart, thereafter, you may find peace.
“¢ Learned a lot more than ordinary lectures. I always forgive people, but I know a much better technique. The workshop was fantastic, and the presentation was excellent.
“¢ This workshop is for all ages, backgrounds, and religions. Overall it was excellent.
“¢ It made me aware of my shortcomings. I found it exceptionally interesting and informative.
“¢ I found it inspiring. It made me feel better about myself and others.
“¢ I learned to live in the present. Helped me to identify our traps. Ability to see true and falsehood. Forgive people.
“¢ The workshop was thought-provoking.
“¢ It is insightful and aids with introspection. Yes, if I would not have attended it, I would have missed something valuable.
YUSRA: Prior to the workshop, I was only centered on myself, what I was doing and all that I knew. I benefitted from this workshop as it allowed me to see that a self-centered approach isn’t good for me and the people around me. I have been taught to accept the situations as they are and respond (not react) using the heart (Triple test). With practice, I believe this is achievable and can bring me peace.
ATASHA: I am grateful that Allah has made this course possible. Thank you for sharing your insights, experience and advice. Inshallah, I have benefitted, and I shall practise what you have imparted when confronted with situations I do not agree. I feel fulfilled and free. I thoroughly enjoyed it as it taught me how to respond to different situations. Benefits are that I, now am equipped to handle situations better and not to react in an attacking manner. My family member’s feelings overall were very positive and as for the negative feedback I will try to address them in a positive manner.
SELWA: Life before the workshop was very analytical, complicated. Attending this workshop helped me to release that my opinion is nothing, but it is my opinion and that it is not the actual reality. It allowed me to see that a decision should only be made, once the reality of the situation has been accepted. This in turn helped me to be more easy-going. I am going to live in the present so that I can have peace and spread love.
WASIELLA: Before, I was worried about what others thought about me and now after the workshop, I do not bother what they think of me. I really enjoyed the workshop. The benefit is to forgive and not hold on to the past extra baggage. I learned not to blame others.
SHUAIB: It raises awareness of the realm of assumptions that most of us live in and experience. It increased our awareness of how to deal with our inner and external life. Letting go of my past and live in the present. Forgive for the sake of Allah and Love for the sake of Allah. Be a player, not a spectator. It increased my awareness of using my language, tone, and choice of words to avoid conflict and learned to listen, connect to the heart and be in the state of submission.
KOEBRAH: My life before the workshop was to accommodate my sick husband and be there for my children. I have now learned to not make decisions, but to make choices to have peace in my life. I need to practice, making choices consciously, as well as not reacting like an anaconda. I am committed to make a difference to uplift the Muslim community/ humanity that will leave me fulfilled and satisfied.