HomeLife and Relationship

Madurai Memories! – When You Are Peaceful, You Can Spread Peace!

‘Discover Yourself’ workshops in Kolkata were organized by WBMDFC, The Srri Saqti Foundation, Bangla Deeniyat Centre, Howrah, and Bonadia Family Residential workshop held at Sea Resort, Digha WB.
To Be Religious
Humanity is above all Religions

The Discover Yourself Workshop was hosted by the Islamic Peace Centre Trust in Madurai on the 2,3 and 4th September 2016 at Tamil Nadu Chamber of Commerce and Industry Auditorium. Around 100 men and women participated in the workshop. Some of the participants share their experiences after the workshop:

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  • I had a lot of denying character in my life, after the workshop, I learnt how to get rid of my denial and love my daughter.
  • This workshop is a basic necessity for a person who needs to have peace in his or her life.
  • The workshop helped me to realize what Allah is conveying to us through the holy Quran.
  • I thought the Satan is out some where there, but realized he is within me and the fall of the Muslim community, I know now is because we have lost our values.
  • This is the need of the hour for the Muslim community.
  • Very much essential for the whole of humanity for a better life.
  • Very interesting and found solutions for the present stressed life.
  • I deeply understood what submission is.
  • My anger melted after attending this workshop and I was able to evaluate the reality. It was wonderful. It is the need of the hour.

RAJAH: To attend the workshop was the best thing I have ever done in my life! These words are from the bottom of my heart! I am so much grateful to Sadath sir , a great scholar and I really mean it, the organizers of the workshop , the members of Islamic Peace Centre and My beloved Dad for the wonderful opportunity they  have given me to participate!  I never expected to acquire  so much wisdom. Thank you, thank you all!

NILOFER: Though I was living my life with Islamic values, but was not able to distinguish the internal and external life. Now I am clear how to follow the path of submission and seek the blessings of Allah. I am now able to solve and rectify the problems of my family members with better focus.
SHEERIN: Before the workshop, I was quite short tempered, I was living with the opinion that I am always right and I tend to speak out what I feel. But the result was that many hated me and thought I am stone hearted and stubborn, even my parents thought so. But now, I can understand and acknowledge that I am corrupted internally. I am taking steps towards being a responsible girl. A great change I experience internally.
NOORJAHAN: I learnt how to lead life in a peaceful manner. I learnt how to bring up my children and how to win the war. I will be a good mother in my present and in the future. Thanks for giving valuable ideas and thoughts.
THASNEEM : First day I thought what is going to be so interesting about the workshop, but it was very good and a new experience. Truly I learnt many things which were unknown to me.
MUZAMMIL: I was short tempered and wanted my family members to do always what I wanted!. I changed myself, an eye opener.
ZAREENA: It changed my entire perspective of life! I could discover myself. It was good I attended this workshop, otherwise, I might have hurt my son and family members. I find change in my son’s behavior.
NOUSHAT: You have given me mental strength and peace of mind. I was feeling so bad and was in a disturbed state of mind for the past three years. Now I have left it behind and I will not carry it to the future.
WASIF: Before the workshop, I was in fear, anxiety and not feeling comfortable with life. But now I can face any sort of problem with the help of the Almighty. I really realized who am I? I got the solution from Allah through the wonderful coach.