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Re-Inventing Yourself in the Kingdom of Dates and Deserts !

Practices Learnt from DYS TT 2019
Brilliant, Eye-opening, Enlightening Experience. A Need of the Hour for All
Soul Searching in South Africa

The Discover Yourself Workshop was held in Jeddah on 13, 14 and 15th February, 2013. It was organised by the All India Islahi Centre, Jeddah, at Lucky Durbar Hotel, Sharfiah. Some of the participants share their experiences after the Workshop.

* After the workshop, I feel much better and relaxed in handling the day to day affairs of life.
* This workshop is a must for teenagers and newly married people.
* I could lower my tension and felt free to forgive my family and friends. A must for everyone.
* One of the best life experiences.
* It was an eye and mind opener.
* Life changing experience and transformation in three days.
* The workshop gave me the key of my car which was owned by me since long time.
* A great occasion, one must not miss it.
* The workshop got us down to the ‘root’ of the seemingly unsolvable problems.
* The workshop is like a universal ‘mantra’.
* I feel now that I am a new born baby.
* It is “Character Building” based on “Reality and Peace”.

Masroor: After I heard from my close relative, I was frantically running around to locate this gentleman and find means to attend his workshop either in India or in Saudi Arabia. On 14th February, it was a God sent opportunity and here I was at his workshop.
I am finding it very difficult to find the right words to explain my experience of going through this workshop. Just in one word- I ‘RE-INVENTED MYSELF’. Till the other day, I had lost myself completely and thought life is not worth living! But, today I know who am I, and life is really as beautiful as the Creator meant it to be.
It was not just a ‘WALK THE TALK SHOW’, it was surely a ‘SHAKE THE HEART’ SHOW, compelling, overhauling of one’s own inner self and awareness”¦.. From DARKNESS to LIGHT!
I hope in future, many big changes happen in the lives of each and every participant, with change of style, bringing about material and spiritual benefits.
Inshallah, If this happens, the credit goes to Mr. Sadathullah, the chief anchor of this simple three day’s ‘experience cum exercise’ called Discover Yourself ‘ and of course thanks to All India Islahi Centre, Jeddah, the social organization who were behind this event.
So, I invite all my brothers and sisters, if you ever get a chance to come across this workshop being held anywhere, within your reach, please do not miss to attend it. Please do take pains to spare some time and a little money to make it to the occasion. Result- You instantly gets connected to the reality and build a lasting bond with the Creator.

Firoz Kakkamoolakkal: I have witnessed, and by all means fully charged in the last 3 days (13, 14 and 15th February). Indeed this was an experience which touched our inner soul and spirit. It helped us to remove our wrong thoughts and assumptions. This is the second time I am attending the workshop with you as I had attended earlier in 2010 in Jeddah. May Allah give all rewards to your righteous efforts and hope more people benefit and they get the opportunity to witness it.
Thanks to the All Indian Islahi Center Jeddah too for arranging such a memorable event.

S.N: I stepped into the world of reality. I am building my character at the same time, I am enjoying every action whether it is namaz (Salah) or playing with the children. I have peace of mind. I will inculcate Taqwa where ever I am. Thank you sir, May Allah bless you for the efforts for bringing people closer to Allah, burden free, and to live in peace.

M.A: I am sure this workshop will play an important role in my coming days. In certain things my ‘EGO’ was ruling me and Inshallah I am freed now. My family and my colleagues will benefit with the drastic change in me. I was ignorant in many issues, but now I will follow the path of Allah. Please organize this workshop again, I will bring my wife and kids and all my contacts. May Allah bless you with health, wealth, happiness and long life. Spread this workshop to the entire humanity.

S.E.P: My life was a game, I used to watch from the gallery and I expected that it will move forward in automatic gear. Now I know that life is a game and we need to play and win it intentionally.
M.R: The workshop gave me the key of my own car. It taught me how to drive and gave me courage to drive without fear. Now my destination is Haram. The coach made all the participants as light houses, so that they in turn will give light and peace to the whole world.

T.K: I was so confused what to do and what not to do. Many times, we fight for no reason, get angry to prove our self right and get angry on past matters and carry the burdens to our present. I leant how to control the situation and respond to it. I leant many things, but one thing I learnt is if you are good to yourself, automatically you do good to others. So be good and be honest to yourself. I would say it is an eye opener.

P.A.S: It was practical. All the time, because of the work pressure I was in a rush mood. However, after attending the workshop, I am in total control of the situation and I felt very happy. My wife, daughter and son all are enjoying my company now. The other thing I like to share is that I am diabetic, after the workshop my stress levels are totally down and hence I found great changes in sugar levels also. I really appreciate the good you are doing. Such kind of workshop is the need of the hour.

N.J: At first, I felt this would be another boring workshop. But when the speaker started speaking, I got interested and became attentive. Now I feel that it was really a great decision I made to attend this workshop because now I have a better relationship with my family, specially my parents. And it was for the first time our family had no arguments with anyone, we were peaceful and felt we now have a new life to live in.

F.Z: I was happy to come for three days, and now I am sad today because I am leaving a source, an evergreen one. Looking forward, yes there is happiness, happiness to spread the light. It gives a down to earth approach.

M.R: I thank Allah for having given me an opportunity to attend this workshop. After attending this workshop, I realised my inner bad habits and felt very shameful about this. When I went home last night, I said to my wife I am sorry, she does not know why I am telling her sorry and she started to laugh and asked what happened to you? I said I do not know what happened, but I have changed. I said I had never appreciated you and I will not repeat the mistakes again.