HomeLife and Relationship

Transforming Your Internal Life

Excellent Coaching to Change Us as Good Human Beings
Secrets of Living a Better Life
Disconnecting From the Evil – Connecting to the Good

Jamath-e-Islami Hind”‹,”‹ Telengana (Dept of HRD),
Organized a “‹3-Day”‹ Discover Yourself workshop for their (Rukun, Karkun, SIO”‹ and “‹GIO) members
for both men and women “‹a”‹t the Islamic Centre, “‹Lakkadkote, “‹Hyderabad on the 13, 14 and 15 January 2017.
Some of the Participants share their responses.

Khalid Mubashir, JIH”‹-“‹HRD, Telengana
Inaugurating the workshop

  • It is very interesting, practically very progressive and an excellent program.
  • It should be arranged at the district level.
  • I was living in the past, now after the workshop I am living in the present.
  • It was useful, very inspirational and motivational. It was the turning point in my life.
  • I learnt a lot from this workshop and the teaching technique was excellent.
  • Transforming myself from within, from inside rather than quick fixing is indeed a unique approach to personal transformation.
  • It has changed my life. I got to know, how to come out of the control of the evil after the workshop.
  • It was useful, it helped me to explore the inside of mine and the reality of life.


Dr HAFSA: Before the workshop, I was totally disturbed and frustrated due to some personal reasons and I was praying to Allah for a solution and I got the solution in the form of this motivational workshop. Now I am very, very happy and stress free. My internal life is completely changed. I have forgiven everyone for Allah’s sake and I love everyone for Allah’s sake. Thank you to Sadath bhai and to God!

RAFEEQ: I found the workshop very useful. It helped me to know who I am? I was in darkness before the workshop and I feel the light in me. It will benefit my whole life, implementing what I learnt from this workshop, I see my family now with purity.

KHAIRUNNISA: Before the workshop I was in the box and after the workshop I came out and I am in the present. I am feeling very good and I have no words to express my feelings. For the first time I saw myself in the mirror and said ok. Thank you very much. After the workshop I see my family members with new eyes.

MUJEEBUDDIN: I n my life there were few issues related with my opinion, which was creating problems, I was short tempered and sometimes used to get frustrated over some small issues. I am now confident that I can control my anger and frustrations. It has benefitted me to give up the past and move forward. I will be a changed person forever for Allah’s sake. Every person should attend this workshop.

ARSIYA: It was a great experience for me. This workshop is a modern way to build good habits and moral values in the light of Quran and Sunnah. It will have a great impact on the new generation.
IBRAHIM: This workshop is very useful for me. I came from past to present, negative to positive and most important from inside the box to outside. Life was a burden and I was not able to control my thoughts. But after the workshop, I am feeling free. I am feeling very happy and my family members also very happy.

SANA: Islam is a way of life. This is the only way you should learn to distinguish the Islamic way and worldly way. I would never had known myself (internally), if I had missed this workshop. I actually wanted to know how a workshop can be performed with Islamic teachings. I had attended many other non- Islamic workshops, but I wanted to get the Islamic perspective and now after attending this workshop, I got it. I will implement and then share it with others.

JABEEN: This workshop has changed my perspective as well as my thinking. In the workshop, the veils of ignorance were removed. I got a clear understanding of the purpose of my life.

BILQUIS: It is excellent and a very unique way of teaching. Before I was very harsh and now I became very soft and helpful. My internal life has changed a lot. I am giving up my ego. My family members admired the workshop, when I shared with them my experiences.

QAADIR: These types of workshops are beneficial to many
families, because many read the holy Quran and Hadith and the lifestyle of Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh), but they do not go deep.