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A Life Changing Workshop

The Best Workshop!
Learning to Make a Choice! In Perth, Australia!
‘Discover Yourself’ workshops in Kolkata were organized by WBMDFC, The Srri Saqti Foundation, Bangla Deeniyat Centre, Howrah, and Bonadia Family Residential workshop held at Sea Resort, Digha WB.

The Discover Yourself Workshop was held on 28, 29, 30 June 2019, at the Al Ameen College Campus, Bangalore, by Dr Sadathullah Khan, spiritual life coach and facilitator.

Some of the Participants share their Experiences:
“¢ It is useful in day to day life and it made life easy.
“¢ A journey from hatred to peace.
“¢ The workshop has taught me to enjoy life with all its problems and difficulties. It changed my point of view completely.
“¢ The second time when I attended, I again got the energy to change myself. I feel like it’s a continuous process until our whole environment and culture changes.
“¢ It is very useful. It is that knowledge which is missing in schools, these are the subjects which should be part of the school curriculum.
“¢ A life changing workshop, every family member should and must benefit from it.
“¢ I can feel the change inside me. It has changed my views on crucial aspects of life.
“¢ I got the answer, who am I? And came out of negativity in my mind.
“¢ It has made a huge difference in my personal and professional life, in terms of taking back the control of life, to write the future.
“¢ It opened me to the inner me- which I did not even know.
“¢ It is a unique program with an immediate realization effect.


AAFIYA: Before attending the workshop, there were arguments, anger, dissatisfaction and disappointments in every relationship. After attending, it is easy to deal with life. I will say it saved my marriage. Now my husband and I share a good communication and a healthy relationship, Alhamdulillah! Thank you Sir, Jazakallah Khairan.
SALMA: Life before the workshop was full of anger, confusion, and restlessness. Alhamdulillah, after the workshop, I started to live in the present and now I am conscious about my thoughts, feeling like a feather from inside. After attending this workshop, my life has changed in a positive way. I find, peace and calm and able to do anything.
FARHAT: This 3-day journey with Sir was amazingly beautiful, Alhamdulillah! Saw life with a new perspective, a vision enlightened. I can break the barriers which prevented me to open. I can shut up all the background music running inside and overcome my fear to speak. I am grateful to Allah, my husband and Sir from the bottom of my heart for guiding, directing and enlightening me.
SAIRA: The workshop has made a huge difference in my life. I have learned how to overcome anxiety, how to deal with difficult people, not to react in any situation, not to be angry in unwilling situations or problems we face and not panic. At last, I must say attending this workshop is really life-changing.
SAIMA: This workshop helped me change my entire perspective about life. It made me free from insecurity and being judgmental. Also, it was an entirely different experience to be attending a workshop like this, which imparts a good motive to live life in a better and a meaningful way.
SAFIYA: Alhamdulillah! I got the opportunity to attend the workshop. It was really a life-changing workshop. Before the workshop, I always found faults in others and felt I am better than others. But after the workshop, I realized negativity is in the mind. I learned here that Allah is Haqq (Truth). If I want to connect to Allah, I have to use my heart and not my mind and accept the reality, love everybody to seek the love of Allah. JazakallahKhair, for connecting me to Allah and disconnecting me from Satan.