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Applications Invited for IDB Scholarship

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New Delhi: The Islamic Development Bank has invited applications from financially needy Muslim students in Medicine, Engineering, Unani, Ayurveda, Forestry, Agriculture, Fisheries, Food Technology, Microbiology,  Biotechnology, and LLB and MBA enrolled for the first year in  2013-14. The applicants should have secured minimum 70% marks in English, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Math in SSLC (i.e., 10th std). But students applying from north Indian states can be considered even at 60%.
The IDB scholarship is a loan scholarship which has to be refunded in installments after completion of the course. For details and online application visit: www.metdelhi.org, Muslims Education Trust E-3 Abul Fazal Enclave, Jamia Nagar, New Delhi-25, Ph: 011-26941354, 26957004, Last date for receiving application is August 5, 2013.