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Free CET Coaching for Minority Students

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Bidar: The Ministry for Minority Affairs will fund CET coaching for 100 students belonging to minority communities at the Shaheen Science College, Bidar which has registered excellent record in coaching boys and girls for the CET exam. Students who have scored 85% and above in the 10th standard SSLC exams will, on selection, be provided free coaching with lodging and board facilities at the Shaheen Science College. According to secretary Abdul Qadeer, the Ministry would be funding the entire expenses to the tune of Rs. One lakh for each student for all those who will be selected by the College. These students would be enrolled for PUC Ist year and will be coached to face the PUC exam as well as the CET and NEET competitive exams. Desirous candidates can contact: 93411-11560, or 08482-230900.