Mumbai Muslims decide to launch  Prophet for all Campaign in Rabiul Awwal

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Mumbai Muslims decide to launch Prophet for all Campaign in Rabiul Awwal

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Mumbai: In the wake of growing hatred mounted by the divisive forces in the country, a group of prominent Muslims from the metropolis have decided to organize the Prophet For All Campaign in the month of Rabiul Awwal. The idea is to educate people, especially Non- Muslims on the life of the Prophet, to remove misunderstandings, and spread a message of Peace and Brotherhood.

The meeting, held on September 12, noted that in today’s times to gain political mileage there is organized propaganda of misinformation against Islam and the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

“People of other faiths tend to believe what is shown by the Media while the truth is something else, waiting to be discovered. This evil propaganda has led to social disharmony, unrest, and avoidable conflicts,” the meeting observed.

The idea is to create awareness for all, especially people of other faiths, on the life of the Prophet (PBUH). Secondly, to remove the growing misunderstandings about the message of Islam and bring about communal harmony in society.

Starting 28th September 2022 and going up to 9th October or 12th Rabi-ul-Awwal, Prophet Muhammad’s birthday (PBUH), also called Eid-e-Milad, celebrations and special introductory programmes will be held all over Mumbai to spread the message of Friendship, Peace and Brotherhood…

Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him), is the Last Prophet of God and the World’s greatest personality. The world never saw a person like him before nor will see another until the end of humanity. He had a formidable reputation as a truthful, trustworthy and merciful human being. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was a highly compassionate human being. Muslims around the world love him the most, however, he was not only sent for Muslims but all mankind.

Prophet For ALL:
In the Holy Qur’an, the Almighty God mentions; “And We have sent you (O Muhammad) not but as a mercy for all worlds (not only mankind but all the creations of God)” [Surah al-Anbiya 21:107].
His teachings were Universal, not just for Arabs or Muslims but for the whole of Mankind. His mercy and compassion were not just for humans but for the entire creation of the Almighty as mentioned in the Holy Qur’an. He managed to transform the fiercely warring tribes of Arabia into a reformed Nation through The Holy Qur’an, his teachings, and his flawless manners, which were appreciated even by his enemies.

What can We do?
Each one of us should join in this Nobel Mission. Let us honor the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and spread his message of Peace, Love, and Brotherhood to ALL specifically to people of other Faiths, especially between 1st Rabi ul Awwal to 12th Rabi ul Awwal.

Activities for the #ProphetForAll Campaign
They appealed that each of us must perform at least one deed of Compassion, Sympathy, Mercy, Welfare, Love, or Care for all living beings in our own way, either collectively or individually.

Create Awareness & Educate:
Educate people of other faiths, about the importance of Prophet Muhammad, not just for Muslims but all the creations of Allah Ta’ala as mentioned in the Holy Qur’an.

Convey the Teachings of the Prophet to All. Narrate and explain at least a few Hadees to people of Other Faiths, especially on his Social Life.

Organize Lectures/Competition on the Seerat (the Prophet’s life):
• Invite Ulemas/Scholars and request them to narrate the Seerat to everyone, especially to our friends of other Faiths.
• Organize Seerat Competitions Especially for School and College Students within our Building, Society, or Institution, and give prizes to winners.
• Invite your Non-Muslim friends for Lunch / Dinner at your House, Masjid, and Institutions:
• Invite social leaders, influencers, your friends, and neighbours of other faiths for Lunch or Dinner. Create awareness about the Prophet’s life and promote the true teachings of Love, Affection, and Compassion of the Prophet (PBUH).

Forgive people to make a better and peaceful society
Make sure that on these important days, we forgive all those who have harmed us or offended us in any way. Strive to establish Brotherhood not only in the Muslim Community but in the entire Society.

Remember the Hadees that if we forgive people their mistakes, Allah SWT will forgive our sins on the Day of Judgement.

Visit Hospitals, Old Age Homes, and Orphanages and help deserving people:
Distribute fruits and sweets and let them know about the Prophet’s birthday. Tell them about the Hadees that sick people’s Duas are accepted quickly by Allah SWT and request them for Duas.

Create a Big Display of the Prophet’s life:
We have decided to Stand with Placards and Banners at Public Places on 11th Rabiul Awwal, which is Saturday, 8th October at 11 AM all across Mumbai. You are requested to participate in this event and show collective efforts in conveying the Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) InshaAllah!

Participate in Public Events:
Invite your non-Muslim friends and contacts to attend events in Rabiul Awwal to understand better the life of Prophet Muhammad SAW so that communal peace and harmony can prevail.

Organise an ideal Eid e Milad Juloos:
Be a part of the organizing committee of the Eid e Milad Majlis/Juloos in your area and ensure unIslamic acts are not followed like DJ, music, Band or Dancing, etc.

Celebrate in Social Media:
And finally, we can make a huge influence on TODAY’S GENERATION by not indulging in #hate on social media. Remember, that is not the way of our beloved Prophet SAW who believed in even forgiving his enemies.

#ProphetForAll theme should be common in all the banners, displays, videos, creatives, etc. Social media posts and messages should have the hashtag and tag the social media accounts.