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Punjab Villagers Join Hands to Build Mosque

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Ludhiana (Punjab): Setting an example of communal harmony, the villagers of Ghalib Ran Singh Waal, which has a majority of Sikhs and Hindus have constructed a mosque in the village. The mosque was formally inaugurated by the villagers recently. “Our long cherished demand has been fulfilled with the joint efforts of villagers. It’s a beautiful mosque. We will be able to pray here during the holy month, and it is an Eid gift for us,” said Liaqat Ali, a local villager. Appreciating the gesture of Shahi Imam Punjab and the village Panchayat, Muslims said the Hazrat Abu Bakar Mosque indeed was an Eid gift for them. “It’s so touching, and a big gesture of brotherhood on the part of villagers, that they came forward to help us in the construction of Hazrat Abu Bakar Mosque in the village.” With a population of about 1,300, the village has around 700 Sikhs, 200 Hindus, and 150 Muslims. Most of the Muslims had settled in the village after the Partition.
(Extracted from http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com)