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Matrimonial Advertisements and Mental Trauma

Wonderful Practice: Thank You Islamic Voice
Now is the Time for Women
Very Thought-Provoking Article

I would like to share my thoughts through this column in Islamic Voice that many of the matrimonial advertisements published in many mainstream newspapers today cannot be believed or trusted. My own personal experience after getting into a marriage alliance through an advertisement published in the “so called today’s most popular mainstream newspaper” ended in a divorce, causing me lot of trauma. Most of the claims made by the bride’s family and even the groom’s family are nothing, but a bunch of lies. So I request all, to be very careful while getting into alliances through advertisements in matrimonial columns. Do a thorough check of the claims made in the ad.
E. M. Khan, Patna.

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    Shaik meraj ahmed 4 years ago

    I m looking sunni decent middle class familyfor my son aged 27yrs.BTech In E&C. Residing in Mysore Karnataka.
    Need sunni , bride graduate leaving in Mysore, Mangalore, gulf.
    My son at present doing Timber buisness in Mysore.