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Apropos to “Islam’s First Muezzin ” by Moin Qazi in Islamic Voice, February 2023, the article emphasizes the birth of adhan and the first voice of adhan by Bilal ibn Rabah (Ra) is exhilarating every mind. The well-thought article mesmerizes every mind towards adhan and the following salah. The author’s elaborate knowledge is appreciated, and Allah bestows his blessings on him.
A. Kaja Nazimudeen, Eruvadi, Tirunelveli District,
Tamil Nadu.

Apropos Tahsin Ahmed’s article The Fringe Events of Marriage (IV Feb 2023). Narrating a social evil that all are aware of doesn’t serve any purpose. We should make a concerted effort to build up public opinion against it, making the best use of all available platforms.
SNH Razvi, Former Secretary, Karnataka State Minorities Commission, Bangalore.

This has reference to Tahsin Ahmed’s article “The Fringe Events of Marriage” (IV Feb 2023). The author has not shown any direction as to how these problems can be overcome and countered. One thing I appreciate is the comment that merely reminding about religious obligations and asking them to show concern for the poor will not solve this issue. Overall, the article should have suggested some points toward the solution instead of merely detailing the issues.
Iqbal Ahmed,
Deputy Director of Sericulture (Retd.), Bangalore.

In this month of February 2023 IV, an interesting article titled; ‘The Fringe Events of Marriage…’ by Tahsin Ahmed drew my attention. Lately, I had been to a few marriages, as this month has been termed the season of weddings. People are busy trying to carry out this obligation at the earliest as the arrival of the holy month of Ramadan is looming on the heads of Ummah. It is not that marriages are prohibited in this holy month but the fasting being Fard would put a damper on the celebrations of; fringe events; and extravagant marriages, where the opulence of wealth is on display.
The author has started the article with the beautiful Hadeeth about making the Nikah easy and its importance. He has rightly pointed out that we, in general, violate these meaningful teachings. Adding a little more to the writing of the learned author, I would like to mention that marriage events have become the events of ego, pride, and show-off. Here both parties are to be equally blamed. The author has very clearly written about how they want to overdo it in carrying out various ceremonies, which have no significance or any kind of importance in Islam. The cultural rites and rituals that made their way into the marriages of Muslims are the direct adaptation of certain ceremonies which are not in compliance with Shariah. On the contrary, they are in direct violation of Islamic preaching.
Again writer is quite right to mention that, at every step, from the fixation of the marriage to the completion of Nikah, the boy’s family tries to burden the bride’s family. This is against the etiquette of Islamic marriage. Islam preaches not to overburden the girl’s family. Even any kind of reception from the girl’s family on the day of Nikah is discouraged, except for those who are immediate family visiting from far away. The girl’s side is pressurized by the boy’s side to spend prohibitively more on ritual ceremonies and parties. To fulfill and oblige the demands for the marriage, parents are forced to go into interest-based loans. This is very common among middle-class families.
It should be the only Valima where generosity should be on display. The entire community, rich or poor, must be invited to the Valima reception. It should be made known to the entire community, family, and friends that the wedding has taken place. One should bear in mind that this happy occasion should not be done in such a way that, people may term it as a miserly event either. At the same time, they shouldn’t be so extravagant that the parents become bankrupt, and the rights of other siblings are violated.
I would also like to bring to everybody’s attention that many families and businesses are attached and dependent on the so-called wedding season. We should do something within our capacity to support the well-being of the society that we live in.
The author concludes that even after the wedding many other ritualistic ceremonies are imposed upon the girl’s side, relating to the birth of the first child. May Allah help us to hold His rope tightly and let go of the practices which lay us astray.
Aameen. Qazi Minhaj Azher, USA