HomeLife and Relationship

Every Muslim Needs this Workshop!

Connecting to Oneself in Kochi
Positivity among All!
The Workshop has Made Me Discover the Way of Allah and His Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)

The Discover Yourself Workshop was hosted in Bahrain on the 2, 3 and 4th November by Indian Welfare. Around 150 individuals participated in the workshop. In Srinagar, the workshop was organized by Mother Care for women on the 17,18 and 19th November 2017. Some of the participants share their experiences about the workshop.

Bahrain Workshop

Bahrain Workshop

Bahrain Workshop

Srinagar Workshop

Srinagar Workshop

  • Aisaa lagta haiki abhi meri kitab banihai ekdam nayi.
  • Great sadqa jaria by helping people to find inner peace.
  • Very informative, inner satisfaction and realized what real life is.
  • Now, it is easy to forgive and let go of my past.
  • Inspirational and relaxation of the inner mind. Impressive workshop.
  • Every Muslim needs this workshop.
  • It helped me to see the reality.
  • Helped me in self-grooming.
  • After attending the workshop, I am stress-free. It was an amazing experience.
  • A workshop to be attended by youngsters and couples.
  • Alhamdulillah, a heart opening session to connect us with the Creator.
  • It helped me free myself of all the things I have been holding on for long.
  • I have started seeing everyone more as a ‘human being’  than an object.
  • It helped me discover myself, control my thoughts and anger as well as taught me how to stop being judgmental.
  • It helped me to know who I am? I got rid of my past and future and learned to forgive people for Allah’s sake.
  • I was living in my mind and not understanding how to liberate myself from its clutches.- wow, moment!!
  • I feel at peace with myself, learned not to be judgmental and submit myself to the will of Allah to whatever happens in life.

ALYA: Before we knew Allah existed and we believed too, but after attending the workshop, we came close to Him. Earlier everything we did as a duty, but now we do it as worship.  The world of my heart changed.

NOSHABA: Before I was focussed on myself and saw with my ego, but now I have really changed and started focussing on others. I forgave everybody and freed myself of the 23 years burdens.

AYESHA: In many ways, I was a confused person, thinking about future and got scared and I ended up being depressed. This workshop helped me and now I am all free, focusing on the present. Still many things I have changed and I am trying my best.

GOUSEPAK: It is my third workshop in Bahrain. After attending the second workshop, I started to change the heart of my parents. Alhamdulillah, after putting continuous efforts, my father forgave his sister with whom he was not in touch for more than 28 years on a silly thing that had happened. Now both brother and sister are happy.

SARAH: I feel a lot better than I was before. Many of the things that were discussed in the workshop, I had no idea that I did it. It was spectacular to get to know so many things about life and the different experiences that we go through and how we should respond.

ZUBAIR: Firstly, I would like to thank Allah and Khan saab. I had a very good experience. The things that benefitted me were, listening to the other person, accepting reality, and to be my word.  The workshop is life changing.

LIYAQAT ALI:  This workshop has given me wide knowledge of humanity. I got the general knowledge to be responsible, committed and to accept my faults. Well done! Dr. Sadath sab, you are an excellent person with dynamic knowledge and presentation skills. May Allah bless you!

BARKATHULLAH: Before the workshop, I was always thinking of the past as to why this has happened to me, I am good to all, but a lot of them betrayed me and had a grudge towards all.  After the workshop, things have completely changed. My view towards life has changed.  I will try to practice the same in my day to day life.

QURATULAAN:  Before the workshop, my life was in chaos and confusion. I was seeking answers to my queries here and there, books and books, view to views, but, after attending the workshop, ‘Alhamdulillah’ I raise my hands toward the sky to thank Allah for having chosen me to be a part of this workshop. I have no words to explain how much solace I have in me after the fight of me with me, finally, peace entered into me through logic.

RUBINA: It has helped me to avoid being judgmental and impulsive, to listen and choose my response and to be in the state of consciousness always. I clearly got the concepts of submission and acceptance.