HomeLife and Relationship

New Positive Changes in Nairobi

Sadathullah Sir is a Legend!
Finding Hope in Nanded!

The Discover Yourself Workshop was held in Nairobi on 7, 8, and 9 APRIL 2017. It was organized by LOTUS Welfare Association. (www.lotuskenya.org) at the Light Academy, Oloitoktok Road, Nairobi.

Some of the participants share their experiences after the Workshop

  • Words are not enough to express what I have benefitted from this workshop. I have gone back home as a new being. Jazakallah Khair.
  • It changed my life in a better way and made me see everyone as human beings.
  • It helped me realize that I should focus on discovering myself and changing myself rather than trying to change others.
  • It was amazing; It changed me from who I was to who I am now? Nothing is impossible; every human being can change and make the best choice.
  • It is life changing; it helped me to know myself much better and to make changes for the better. Best thing could ever happen to me at this moment, Alhamdulillah.
  • My life was full of questioning and unfulfilling answers; now I feel the change, in my way of thinking and how I think of other people. I learned to live with my heart, above all, my Iman has got impacted positively.
  • I discovered myself and learned that I am in control of my life. It was an interesting experience and wished that everyone could attend.
  • An ice breaker for the journey of discovering me, it is because it has helped me to discover myself and made me realize that I need to take the journey towards finding me.
  • It has helped me in dealing with my personal issues. I was a very judgmental person, whose way was the highway. Now I appreciate things happening around me and do not give any meanings to them.
  • Before the workshop, I used to bottle up things, now I feel free to share, unlike before. You should reach out to other religions too not only for Muslims.

DR KEZIA KODIOL: The workshop was an eye-opener for me. I realized how my opinion and judgment has influenced my decisions and how it has affected my life. My view of life has changed and my relationship with people has changed. I feel the freedom to be the real me that God created. Thank you very much for sharing and coaching me. I thank the organizers for allowing and accepting me to attend this workshop.

FOUZIA: The workshop has made me clear my mind of everything. I feel like a newborn baby. My life before the workshop was confusion between the good and the evil as I am a spiritual person. Often had blame games and could not let go. My family members feel that I have realized my mistakes. What I feel about my family is just love and to accept them as human beings. It was very enlightening and transformative. I am so inspired by the coach.

FATMA ARIF: I feel I have discovered myself and it becomes a new beginning for me. It was very eye-opening and it changed my life. I was a very angry person before. I am very thankful, I feel happy as though a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I am now more confident and have a positive attitude to life. My family has noticed the change in me. I came to this workshop with my mom and sister and I have noticed a change and a positive attitude in them. Thank you, Dr. Khan.

F.ALI: Life changing experience! My life was full of anger, heartbreaks, disappointments, and pain. I feel I am a new being and can face the world and my family with a different perspective and appreciate life. Alhamdulillah sums it all up. I would like to thank Allah for blessing you with this and for you, on making the decisions to help others with tawfiq from Allah. May Allah grant you a long healthy life filled with good deeds.

N.A : I used to see my children and husband as objects and I would get very frustrated when my children would not do what I wanted them to. I would also answer my husband back badly when he harshly talks to me, but now I have learned to accept the reality to accept my children and husband the way they are, live in the present. Listen from the background of nothingness, without judging or questioning or even complaining, but submitting to the reality and looking for appropriate solutions.

NABIL.M: It is a life-changing workshop which influences you in every way possible. It helped me to identify my weaknesses and given me the ability to identify my strengths and positively influence myself. Before the workshop, I would judge people before even knowing them, force my opinions on others and I always felt I am right. After the workshop, I have stopped judging others and have stopped being an opinionated person. Being in the workshop was the best experience I have ever had in my life. My family members have even noticed a big change inside me in a positive way, and I noticed a change in myself as well as in my mother, who also attended.

AYAAN: I think I was in denial in so many ways and I had the knowledge and I was not putting into practice but Alhamdulillah, I started making the changes in my life and I have learned to let go and put the baggage down and to have a peaceful heart, Thank you for this wonderful experience, may Allah bless you and may we meet under His shade. “I am my word, and my choices define my future”.

JAMILLA: it was a great experience. I was a perfectionist with a superior feeling and attitude towards people who do not do things my way. I learned now that I need to see and treat people as human beings, stop imposing my opinions on others and submit to the will of Allah. I have been struggling, yet I am counselor by profession. I am very, very grateful for the useful knowledge. The workshop is beneficial to Muslims, before I was a Christian, and it is useful to take this workshop to them also.

BIHAWA .K: It helped me to know that I am not useless in this life and that Allah created me with a purpose to be able to achieve in life. My life has been so secretive, and after attending the workshop, I decided that I would open up to the people, trust and not keep the feeling to myself. After the workshop, I was a changed person and I just found myself talking to my family telling them how I feel and they were shocked because that was not me before, I learned to be free and live my life with without grudges. Dr. Khan is the best coach to listen to.

HIDAYA: I am young and I came here thinking that all that matters is my opinion. I entered here a different person, three days later, I am a different person walking out of this workshop. I changed how I view myself and how I treat people. I am a human being, so I also have to see and treat other people as human beings. Thank you, Dr. Khan! The world really needs people like you.

AMINA: I was impatient, I could not control my anger and I had a lot of fear and worries. Now after the workshop, I feel positive about what life has to offer. I feel I can handle any problem with ease.
