Islamic Voice is a monthly Islamic magazine published in Bangalore. It is the largest English language Muslim publication in India. It is a comprehensive magazine, places a relatively high emphasis on social issues and strives to have a broad appeal. Since 1987, Islamic Voice has covered its fascinating namesake without fear or favour, with insight, accuracy, thoroughness and a well rounded perspective on a variety of subjects - be it the economy, politics, lifestyle, the arts, entertainment, travel, science, technology or health. That's why Islamic Voice is the country's most widely read publication, a position it has held for more than a decade. And that's why it makes sense to subscribe to Islamic Voice.
We represents all Muslim sects and shades of thought from all over India. We focus on "our" triumphs which, mostly, go unreported as well as constructively addresses our failures and shortcomings.
Editor-in-Chief: A.W. Sadatullah Khan
Genre: Current Affairs associated with Muslims
Subjects Covered:
Human Rights I Analysis I Special Reports I Issues I Book Reviews I National I International I Newsmakers I Community News I Islamic Perspectives I Classifieds I Opinions
Focus articles on:
Education and Children I Inter-faith Relations I Matrimony I Muslim economy I Muslim Perspective I The Muslim world I Society I Travel I The Western viewpoint I Women in Islam
Special focus on Faith and Law:
Fiqh I Hadith I Quran
Bangalore: NCPUL is inviting applications for enrolment in one-year Diploma in Urdu Language and one-year Certificate Course in functional Arabic cour [...]
Bowl with Arabic inscriptions is being claimed as begging bowl of Buddha.
New Delhi: A team of epigraphist led Dr. G. S. Khwaja, Director of Arabic [...]
Instead of building yet another mosque in Paris, why not spend the money on educating young Muslims on how to write a good CV and get a job?
By Idris [...]
By Shaik Zakeer Hussain
Bangalore: On 8th February, Burooj Realization, a non-profit education research organisation, will hold a first of its kind [...]
Artist Ilyas Ahmed welds the pieces of junk material into fascinating object of arts.
By Maqbool Ahmed Siraj
Nothing really goes waste for Bangalore [...]
Muslim representation in the Lok Sabha and legislatures across the states in India is coming down election after elections. While some sections of Mus [...]
Bangalore: The Centre for Islamic Studies (CIS) will conduct its Fourth All India level Islamic Summer Camp for the hearing impaired persons on May 1 [...]
Time is limited. Death is certain. However, our intention to live a productive life and to serve Allah and His creation will itself be enough to count [...]
There is a discussion going on in the Muslim circles about why Muslims should support AAP (Aam Aadmi Party). Muslims are standing at the cross roads t [...]
Mumbai: The Mumbai-based Centre for Study of Society and Secularism has been selected for the National Communal Harmony Award 2013, while Mohinder Sin [...]