Category: Community Initiative

NEIEA Explores New Vistas in Education
The mainstream model of education is symbolized by a school building, classrooms, onsite teachers, chalk and blackboard. This involves huge investment [...]
Vacuum of Leaders in Muslim Community – CAB is the Answer
Ever since the independence of the country, we Indian Muslims, have always grumbled that there is No genuine Mass leader for our community, who has wi [...]

A Holistic Approach to Mental Illnesses
There is an alarming increase in the number of persons (both men and women) who are suffering from mental health illnesses throughout the world. The W [...]

Social Service by Individuals
Haqooq ul Allah (Rights of Allah) includes salah, fasting, zakaath, haj etc. Haqooq ul Ibaad is the duty we owe to our fellow human beings. Haqooq ul [...]

Proposal to Start Pre-Marital Counselling Centers in the Masjids of Every Mohalla
Need For Starting Pre-Marital Counselling Centers
Over the years AASRA has noticed an increase in the number of women seeking counseling. This may be [...]
Insecure Parents seek a sense of Self-Worth through their Children
They create (sometimes even before the child is born) a fantasy version of who the child will be. Based on their own needs, not the unique traits of t [...]

Old Age Homes and the Muslim Community
Establishing Old Age Homes is against Islamic ethos, and they are the products of the modern Western society' is an argument that is commonly advanced [...]
NGO AMIED brings a sea change in an Educational and Social Environment in the backward Mewat Region
Alwar (Rajasthan): A new era for the empowerment of Muslim girls in the Mewat region has begun with the setting up of the Alwar Mewat Institute of Edu [...]

Break-up of Marriages
Of late, a disturbing trend noticed is that there is an increase in the breakdown of marriages among Muslims. It is learned that more women are approa [...]

A Madrasa that Promises Both Heaven and Earth
The South Indian city of Bidar the northernmost part of Karnataka, 145 km from Hyderabad is barely known beyond the subcontinent. But in recent years, [...]