Category: Family and Kids

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A Resident of Dubai creates the World’s  first Educational Islamic Toys

A Resident of Dubai creates the World’s first Educational Islamic Toys

In a world dominated by mainstream toys and entertainment, Abdellah Zejli, a visionary resident of Dubai, has embarked on a pioneering journey that ha [...]
Contemporary Academic Education has no Place  Left for Religious and Moral Education

Contemporary Academic Education has no Place Left for Religious and Moral Education

Three things play an important role in the construction and destruction of personality, media, environment, and education. These are the three most [...]

No Shortcut Way to Achieve Goals

There is no shortcut to success. Success is not a coincidence or an accident. It is achieved because of constant hard work, struggle, and sacrifice. E [...]
The Only way out is Forgiveness

The Only way out is Forgiveness

In our short life, there is nothing more beautiful and beloved than the concept and destination of a successful life. We want to be only successful in [...]


It's Maghrib Time The sky, trees, blossoms, and birds, Colors everywhere are vibrant and bright. The sun now rests, the moon takes its place, A pe [...]
Reading Books How Important  is it for Children?

Reading Books How Important is it for Children?

The first five to seven years of life are very important, this is the part of the age, during which habits and moods are formed. Keeping this importan [...]

Benefits of Quran Memorization in Young Age

In the Quran, Allah SWT provides guidance and mercy for all humanity. A person who memorizes and recites the Quran will earn rewards and blessings her [...]

Be Like a Bee

The Prophet (Pbuh) said: “By the oath of that Being in whose hand is the soul of Muhammed, a believer is like a bee. It eats that which is pure and pr [...]
Embracing Uniqueness

Embracing Uniqueness

Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Ahmed. He often felt like he didn't quite fit in with the other kids in his class. They liked different [...]
Manners of Clearing the Dastarkhan

Manners of Clearing the Dastarkhan

A traveler visited an old man. The old man said, "It's time to eat, come and eat. He sat down to eat with the traveler. When they finished eating, the [...]
1 2 3 4 48 20 / 475 POSTS